Category Archives: Podcast

Medical Podcast

Episode 7: Hydrocephalus

For the month of August, we are dividing the podcast into two parts. In Part 1, Kevin’s head is bigger than usual while he talks about hydrocephalus. Stayed tuned for Part 2 where Dimitre will teach you how to drain an abscess! Please go to our member’s area to access the podcast Posted on 14/08/2015…

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Episode 6: Ankle Injury and Monocular Blindness

On this podcast Dr. Kevin strains himself to talk about Ankle Sprains, while Dr. Dimitre stumbles around with Monocular Blindness! Please go to our member’s area to access the podcast Posted on 27/07/2015 by Dr. Dimitre

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Episode 5: Lyme Disease and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

On this podcast, Dr. Dimitre gets Looney about Lyme Disease while Dr. Kevin gets serious about subarachnoid hemorrhage! Please go to our member’s area to access the podcast Posted on 29/06/2015 by Dr. Dimitre

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Podcast 4b: Interview with Wahid Pabani, Rural Doc Extraordinaire

A little bit of a detour before posting our next podcast; A dear colleague of ours, Dr. Wahid Pabani, drops by to discuss his love of rural medicine and hamburgers. Apologies for the choppy audio. Please go to our member’s area to access the podcast Posted on 12/06/2015 by Dr. Dimitre  

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Episode 4: Scarlet Fever and Atopic Dermatitis

On this month’s podcast, Dr. Dimitre tackles scarlet fever and Dr. Kevin wins the father of the year award while laying out his battle plan against Atopic Dermatitis. Please go to our member’s area to access the podcast Posted on 28/05/2015 by Dr. Dimitre

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