Medical Podcast
In our last podcast of 2015, Dr. Kevin and Dr. Dimitre invent a new measurement unit for pus volume draining from a perianal abscess! Please go to our member’s area to access the podcast Posted on 27/12/2015 by Dr. Dimitre
In part 1 of our December podcast, Dr. Dimitre talks about his many terrifying experiences with Facial Lacerations in the clinic and at home! Please go to our member’s area to access the podcast Posted on 11/12/2015 by Dr. Dimitre
In Part 2 of our November podcast, Dr. Kevin’s swells up with information about angioedema, while Dr. Dimitre shows his love for Epipens. Please go to our member’s area to access the podcast Posted on 20/11/2015 by Dr. Dimitre
In Part 1 of our November podcast, Dr. Dimitre’s appendix is bursting with information about appendicitis and Dr. Kevin digresses about the overuse of CT scans! Apologies for the occasionally spotty audio. We had to record under extreme conditions! Please go to our member’s area to access the podcast Posted on 08/11/2015 by Dr. Dimitre
In part two of our October podcast, Dr. Kevin gets rigors as he goes over his approach to Fever in the Returned Traveler. Please go to our member’s area to access the podcast Posted on 18/10/2015 by Dr. Dimitre
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