Medical Podcast
An Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm is a common and potentially deadly condition often seen in men over sixty. During today’s podcast, Dr. Dimitre talks about how to diagnose AAA’s and who should be screened in the family doctor’s office. Dr. Kevin shares with us his experiences with AAA and how its the white whale of many ER docs.…
Neither Dr. Dimitre or Dr. Kevin like electrolytes, but talk about them they must. Dr. Kevin starts off with hypocalcemia, covering his approach in the ER department. Dr. Dimitre makes some suggestions about dealing with hypocalcemia in the family doctor’s office. Please go to our member’s area to access the podcast! Posted on 27/07/2016 by…
Dr Wahid joins Dr. Dimitre and they talk about their love of the punch biopsy. Dr. Dimitre is grateful that he can use punch biopsies to diagnose weird rashes. Dr. Wahid is happy that they are so easy to preform. During the episode, they go over the indications, contraindications, and step by step of this essential…
During the last June podcast, Dr. Dimitre talks about what to do when a patient has microscopic hematuria. Please go to our member’s area to access the podcast! Posted on 24/06/2016 by Dr. Dimitre
This month of June, Dr. Kevin will talk about those catroonishly large joints caused by bursitis. Dr. Dimitre gets ready to talk about microhematurea next. Please go to our member’s area to access the podcast! Posted on 03/06/2016 by Dr. Dimitre
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