Category Archives: Podcast

Medical Podcast

Podcast 55: Intussuception with Dr. Kevin

Dr. Kevin is back four our 55th podcast and he brought a surprise tiny guest. He will be talking about Intussusception. This is a life-threatening condition which mostly affects children below the age of three. It occurs when one part of the intestine slides into the adjacent part of the intestine. This causes bowel ischemia,…

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Podcast 54: Subclinical Hypothyroidism

After a short hiatus, Dr. Dimitre is back to talk about subclinical hypothyroidism. Sometimes referred to as mild thyroid failure, it is diagnosed when peripheral thyroid hormone (T3 and T4) levels are within the normal range, but thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is mildly elevated. It is common, occurring in 10% of the population, and carries…

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Podcast 53: Spondylolisthesis with Dr. Kevin

Dr. Kevin is back for our 53rd podcast. This time we will be talking about Spondylolisthesis. Spondylolisthesis is anterior displacement of a vertebral body relative to the adjacent inferior vertebral body. It is a common condition of young athletes that can present with intermittent back pain.  Diagnosis is based on imaging with lumbar X-Ray being…

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Podcast 52: Pruritis with Dr. Dimitre

For our latest podcast, Dr. Dimitre is itching to talk about itching! Pruritus is a challenging presentation for two reasons. Firstly, the differential is broad encompassing conditions both benign and malignant. Secondly, the patient is often suffering and looking for a quick solution to his problem. It is thus important to have a clear and…

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Podcast 51: Concussion with Dr. Pabani

Its winter yet again in Canada. That means slippery ice, broken bones, and concussions! Rural Doc Extraordinaire Wahid is back to talk about concussions. It is a medical condition that has entered the entered the public consciousness with the recent NFL scandal and the aptly named Will Smith movie. It is most often caused by…

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