Podcast 58: Irritable Child with Dr. Kevin
Dr. Kevin is back for our 58th podcast to talk about his approach to diagnosing inconsolable infants. Unexplained irritability in the clinic setting needs to be assessed as an urgent medical presentation. Up to 5% of fussy children will have an organic cause to their distress. As Dr. Kevin explains, there are a lot of badnesses…
Podcast 57: Acquired Long QTc Syndrome
Dr. Dimitre is back with the 57th episode of the primary medicine podcast! Acquired long QTc syndrome is a disorder of the rhythm of the heart. It can lead to ventricular arrhythmias, such as Torsades de Pointe, and possibly ventricular fibrillation and death. It is caused by QTc prolonging medications which include antidepressants, antibiotics, antibiotics,…
Podcast 56: Nocturnal Leg Cramps with Dr. Pabani
Dr. Wahid Pabani, rural doctor extraordinaire, is back for our 56th podcast to talk about Nocturnal Leg Cramps! OUCH! This very common and distressing condition has many causes from the mundane (such as muscle fatigue) to the serious (such as peripheral vascular disease, or Parkinson Disease). Thankfully, a focused history and physical exam can help…
Podcast 55: Intussuception with Dr. Kevin
Dr. Kevin is back four our 55th podcast and he brought a surprise tiny guest. He will be talking about Intussusception. This is a life-threatening condition which mostly affects children below the age of three. It occurs when one part of the intestine slides into the adjacent part of the intestine. This causes bowel ischemia,…
Podcast 54: Subclinical Hypothyroidism
After a short hiatus, Dr. Dimitre is back to talk about subclinical hypothyroidism. Sometimes referred to as mild thyroid failure, it is diagnosed when peripheral thyroid hormone (T3 and T4) levels are within the normal range, but thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is mildly elevated. It is common, occurring in 10% of the population, and carries…