Episode 4: Scarlet Fever and Atopic Dermatitis
On this month’s podcast, Dr. Dimitre tackles scarlet fever and Dr. Kevin wins the father of the year award while laying out his battle plan against Atopic Dermatitis. Please go to our member’s area to access the podcast Posted on 28/05/2015 by Dr. Dimitre
The effects of wireless devices on health are still being assesed
An interesting story published in the Globe and Mail this week regarding the unknown effects of wireless devices on our health: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/health-and-fitness/health/experts-urge-cautious-use-of-wireless-devices-as-health-effects-reassessed/article24374381/ A good reminder to put your phone on airplane mode and turn off your router when you are sleeping. Just in case! Posted on 13/05/2015 by Dr. Dimitre
Another study shows no association between MMR vaccine and Autism
As an addendum to this week’s podcast, a recent study published by JAMA looked at associations between autism and the MMR vaccine in almost 100 000 children over a 5 year period. They found no link between Autism and receipt of the MMR vaccine. Of course, as discussed on the podcast, this will probably not…
Episode 3: Valproic Acid Toxicity and Measles
On this month’s podcast, Dr. Kevin talks about his approach to valproic acid toxicity by going over a recent case he had in the Emerg. Dr. Dimitre tries to stir some controversy by talking about Measles and Vaccinations. Please go to our member’s area to access the podcast Posted on 27/04/2015 by Dr. Dimitre
The possible benefits of Therapeutic Fasting
A fascinating article on therapeutic fasting published in the National Post: http://news.nationalpost.com/health/therapeutic-fasting-741073 The BBC did a great documentary touching on the topic which can be accessed here: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xvdbtt_eat-fast-live-longer-hd_shortfilms I have been interested in the benefits of fasting ever since my University days when I read a study published in 1982 showing that fasting mice were able to…