Episode 45: Viral Myocarditis with Dr. Pabani
Dr Wahid joins us for our 45th podcast to talk about a challenging case he had at the start of his career. Viral Myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, can cause arrhythmias, heart failure, and even sudden death in healthy individuals. Patients will often present with dyspnea, chest pain, low endurance and irregular heartbeat.…
Episode 44: Plantar Fasciitis!
Ouch! For our latest podcast, Dr. Dimitre talks about the most common cause of heel pain. Plantar Fasciitis, is an easy clinical diagnosis to make but a rather challenging condition to treat. It tends to affect middle-aged persons, athletes, and individuals who stand for prolonged periods of time during the day. Treatment is often…
Episode 43: Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss with Dr. Pabani

Dr Wahid is back! During our latest podcast, he and Dr. Dimitre converse about Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss. SSNHL presents with unexplained hearing loss, often unilateral, which tends to develop over a period of 3 days. Most cases are idiopathic and self-limiting, but some can be caused by serious and life-threatening conditions. Prompt diagnosis and…
Episode 42: Foreign Body of the Airway in Children with Dr. Kevin!
During our latest podcast, Dr. Kevin segues masterfully from his daughter’s appendicitis scare to the management of airway foreign bodies in children. This is a potentially life-threatening that should be suspected on the basis of a witnessed choking episode. The presentation of unwitnessed foreign body aspiration is subtle and requires a very thorough history, physical…
Episode 41: Corneal Foreign Body
In our latest podcast, Dr. Kevin is excited to talk about our upcoming conference and Dr. Dimitre is excited to talk about how to remove corneal foreign bodies in the office. Please visit our membership page to access the podcast. Posted on 02/03/2017 by Dr. Dimitre